Eco Baltia Vide social network Facebook service
By launching its cooperation with Eco Baltia Vide, Bright developed a social network strategy based on the theory of Mintzberg 5P, which allowed easy planning of Facebook’s communications in the future and effectively monitoring the results.
Within the framework of the definition of the strategy, there are clear strategic pathways for achieving both the Eco Baltia Vide and the digital objectives, addressing the activities of competing companies and the results achieved in numbers. Bright achieved that at the beginning of 2019, the company could boast the best engagement creators and a high number of followers, compared with its competitors.
To reach a wider audience, Bright’s team diversified the content of Eco Baltia Vide Facebook account not only through daily scourges and contests, but also tests and video of interesting content. Displaying instructions for giving waste a second life established a series of scourges with useful waste sorting tips and responded to follower issues in both public comments and private.