Visual identity of Financial Intelligence Unit
Each state institution has its own graphic sign, which consists of the national coat of arms (large or small), its name, and the appropriate colour square. To develop a visual identity and the necessary materials for the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Bright team carried out research and prepared several colour offerings for selection. The yellow, sunflower colour – from Latvian nature and encompassing the colour range of the four seasons – was chosen as the main colour of FIU, while blue-green will serve as an additional colour – the colour of eternity, representing reliability, balance, and infinity.
In order to use the chosen colours and their combinations correctly, Bright prepared a set of visual identities with guidelines for the use of the graphic sign and examples for internal documents, social networks, and presentation materials. In addition, Bright developed PPT presentation templates, an informational message design, a news page template (for use in Word format), and other designs for the meaningful use of the graphic sign.